Accessibility, Web Design

The Importance of Accessibility in Web Design

blind man with guide dog

Web accessibility is the process of designing digital content to be easily and effectively used by individuals with disabilities. Many countries are now legally mandating websites to be accessible. In the United States, the American’s with Disabilities Act, and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 stipulate that federal websites and those receiving federal funding must be accessible to all.

Several industries are obliged to maintain accessible websites, including government agencies, educational institutions, healthcare providers, and businesses providing public accommodations. However, the scope of accessibility is widening, with many advocating for universal design principles to be applied across the web.

The Problem with Paid Plugins

While the importance of accessibility is clear, some businesses have sought shortcuts through paid plugins, claiming to automatically make websites accessible. These plugins often fall short of true accessibility standards and can create a false sense of compliance.

Such plugins generate code and overlay existing websites with accessibility features, which may not adequately address the unique needs of disabled users. This has led to backlash from the accessibility community and potential legal issues for those relying on these plugins.

Accessibility Extortion Scams

In recent years, a concerning trend has emerged involving accessibility extortion scams. Opportunistic individuals and entities target websites, alleging accessibility violations and demanding settlement payments to avoid legal action. While there are legitimate accessibility concerns, these scams exploit businesses, often lacking awareness of true accessibility standards.

PXM’s Approach

To ensure that our websites comply with ADA/Section 501 requirements for both business and government agency websites, we employ a comprehensive approach that includes automated testing tools and manual checks. We use the WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool, which can identify many accessibility errors and facilitate human evaluation of web content. Additionally, we conduct keyboard accessibility tests to ensure that all functions and content are operable through a keyboard interface. We also utilize Lighthouse, an open-source, automated tool for improving the performance, quality, and correctness of web apps. This helps us identify and address accessibility issues in our web applications. Furthermore, we perform manual overviews to complement the automated testing, ensuring that our websites are accessible to individuals with disabilities. This multi-faceted approach allows us to thoroughly evaluate and address accessibility concerns, in line with ADA and Section 501 requirements.